Consultation is an integral part of the development process, helping deliver better projects. This page contains details of our current and past consultations, and how to get involved.



Public Consultation - (23rd April to 23rd May 2024)

North Channel Wind has submitted a Marine Construction Licence application to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) to carry out marine surveys at the proposed North Channel Wind 1 offshore wind farm site (NCW 1).

The surveys are to help inform the location and design of the proposed wind farm infrastructure and the cable route to shore. The application will be advertised in newspapers week commencing 22nd April and will be open to public consultation for a 28 day period. The application documents are available to view by clicking the buttons on the right-hand side of the screen, including a detailed survey method statement, environmental and shipping & navigation assessments.

If you have any questions about the application please don’t hesitate to contact our Environment & Consenting Manager Clodagh McGrath:

Written representations may be made within the consultation period to Marine Licensing Branch, DAERA Marine and Fisheries Division, Ground Floor, Clare House, 303 Airport Road West, Belfast BT3 9ED

In addition, we have prepared a Notice to Fishermen which summarises the surveys. If you have any fisheries queries please contact our Fisheries Liaison Officer Brian Chambers: flo2@seasource or by phone on +44 (0)7355 744942



31st May to 28th June 2023

North Channel Wind held a non-statutory public consultation for North Channel Wind 1 and 2 from 31st May to 28th June 2023, to introduce the projects to the general public, answer questions and gather early feedback that could feed into the scoping process. This included public exhibitions in Carnlough, Islandmagee and Bangor, and an online exhibition available through our Virtual Consultation Room.

Although this consultation has now closed, all the information remains available to view. Note: The information contained in the virtual consultation room and exhibition boards was last updated in May/June 2023.

The public consultation featured the Offshore Scoping Report, which described the key offshore elements of the proposed projects, the potential effects of the projects on the surrounding environment, and the methods that will be used to gather and assess data to inform the subsequent Environmental Impact Assessment.

We are grateful to everyone who took the time to get in touch. All feedback has been carefully considered by the project team. We have published a Public Consultation Report summarising the consultation process and the responses received.



Our team is happy is to help with any questions. Please email us, or to request a call back please phone +44 (0)289 073 5882


If you are having trouble viewing the information please get in touch. Electronic and hard copies of the exhibition material are available on request.



Stakeholder Manager



Project Coordinator